Date: 16 Mayıs
Location: Istanbul 

“You can watch the sessions on the days of the symposium from the Youtube links below”

DAY ONE 16 May 2022

ISALAJ2022 Opening Speeches 10.00-11.00


ISALAJ2022 1st Session “Right to Environment and Environmental Issues” 11.00-12.00


ISALAJ2022 2nd Session “Environmental Responsibility of the Administration” 13.00-14.10


ISALAJ2022 3rd Session “Global Perspective on Environmental Issues” 14.40-15.50

DAY TWO 17 May 2022

ISALAJ2022 4th Session “Control of Environmental Issues and Energy” 10.00-11.10


ISALAJ2022 5th Session “Control of Conflicts Based on Climate Change” 11.15-12.15


ISALAJ2022 6th Session “Climate Change and Administrative Law” 12.45-13.55


ISALAJ2022 7th Session “Environmental Law and Judicial Supervision of Environmental Disputes” 14.00-15.10

THIRD DAY 18 May 2022

ISALAJ2022 8th Session “Other Titles Related to Administrative Law” 10.00-10.50


ISALAJ2022 9th Session “Areas of Reform in Public Law” 10.55-11.35


ISALAJ2022 “Closing Speeches” 11.45-12.15

Important Dates

Abstract submission deadline: March 31, 2022

Announcement of accepted abstracts: April 8, 2022

Symposium Program announcement: April 25, 2022

Symposium: May 16–18, 2022

Full text submission deadline: June 1, 2022

International Symposium on Administrative Law and Administrative Jurisdiction

16–18 May 2022

Call for Papers

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to invite you to the International Symposium on Administrative Law and Administrative Jurisdiction hosted by Istanbul Commerce University in cooperation with Istanbul University Faculty of Law, Administrative Law and Sciences Research-Application Center, Bukhara State University, Baku State University, L. N. Gumilev Eurasian National University, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, KH. Dosmukhamedov Atyrau University, International VISION University, Uzbek-Finnish Pedagogical Institute at Samarkand State University, International University of Sarajevo (IUS), Kosovo UBT Higher Education Institution (UBT) and Tashkent Financial Institute, that will be held online on 16-18 May 2022.

The International Symposium on Administrative Law and Administrative Jurisdiction with its main theme, entitled “Environment, climate change and ecology in the context of administrative law and the law of administrative jurisdiction”, aims to provide a platform for a scientific discussion and knowledge and research sharing on new developments in this field.

This year’s symposium will be dedicated to the memory of the deceased on 21.07.2020 doyen of Administrative Law and esteemed scholar Prof. Dr. İl Han ÖZAY.

The symposium is open to academic researchers with deep expertise in administrative law and administrative justice, and to practitioners and participants representing areas outside of academia. Although the symposium is held in Turkish, it is also open to the presentation of papers in English, Russian, Kazakh, Uzbek and Azerbaijani languages. 

Deadline for abstract submissions is March 31, 2022. To present a paper at the Symposium applicants must fill in the Application Form via following link:

The application form must include the title of the paper, a short summary (500-700 words) containing the main proposal, methodology, preliminary conclusions and five keywords, as well as the name, affiliation, and contact information of the participant.

For your questions, comments and suggestions regarding the program and article submission, you can contact us at


  1. Abstracts must include the title of the proposed topic and its purpose.
  2. The volume of abstracts is 500-700 words. Abstracts submitted in ​​Turkish, Russian, Kazakh, Uzbek or Azerbaijani Turkish should also be prepared in English.
  3. At least 5 keywords (the abstracts both in original language and English) must be indicated under the abstract.
  4. We remind you that the texts of the abstracts must be compatible with the topics of the symposium, otherwise they will not be included in e-book and the program of the symposium.
  5. Abstracts should be written on A4 paper (210×297 mm), with an interval of 1.25, justified in width, in Times New Roman font 12 points.


  1. The language of the text shall be Turkish, English, Russian, Kazakh, Uzbek and Azerbaijani.
  2. Full texts should be written on A4 paper (210×297 mm), 1.25 intervals, justified-alignment, Times New Roman font 12 points.
  3. The page dimensions should be set as 4cm left, 2cm right and 3cm top and bottom.
  4. The heading of the text should be typed single-spaced, centered, bold 14 points, all capital letters in Times New Roman.
  5. Headings (except for Introduction and Conclusion) should be placed according to their numbering.
  6. At the beginning of the text there should be a cover or footnote containing the name and surname of the author(s), title and contact information with the institution (telephone and e-mail address).
  7. Within the framework of the above features, the volume of tables, figures, summaries and references should not exceed 20 pages.
  8. For citations, authors should use the classic method of footnotes, which is a system of in-text bibliography, in APA format.
  9. Verification of works for plagiarism shall be carried out by responsible authors and works containing plagiarism will not be published.

Symposıum Scıentıfıc Advısory Board

Prof. Dr. Aydın GÜLAN

Head of the Department of Administrative Law, Faculty of Law, Istanbul University, Head of the Administrative Law Research and Implementation Center named after Ord. Prof. Dr. Sıddık Sami Onar, Faculty of Law, Istanbul University

Prof. Dr. Turan YILDIRIM

Head of the Department of Administrative Law, Faculty of Law, Marmara University

Prof. Dr. Tekin AKILLIOĞLU

Faculty of Law, Bilkent University, Former Professor

Prof. Dr. Yücel OĞURLU

Head of the Department of Administrative Law, Faculty of Law, Istanbul Commerce University, Rector of Istanbul Commerce University

Prof. Dr. Akram BEGMATOV

Deputy Director for Academic Affairs of the Uzbek-Finnish Pedagogical Institute of Samarkand State University

Prof. Dr. Tulkin TESHABAYEV

Rector of Tashkent Institute of Finance

Prof. Dr. Melikşah YASİN

Faculty of Law, Department of Administrative Law, Istanbul University

Prof. Dr. Selami DEMİRKOL

Faculty of Law, Department of Administrative Law, Istanbul Bilgi University

Prof. Dr. Bahtiyar AKYILMAZ

Head of the Department of Administrative Law, Hacı Bayram Veli University

Prof. Dr. Asuman YILMAZ

Head of the Department of Commercial Law, Faculty of Law, Dean of the Faculty of Law, Istanbul Commerce University

Prof. Dr. Ramazan Çağlayan

Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University, Faculty of Law

Prof. Dr. Şahin AKINCI

Head of the Department of Private Law, Faculty of Law, Istanbul Commerce University

Prof. Dr. Amir ALIYEV

UNESCO Department of Human Rights and Information Law of Law Faculty of Baku State University

Prof. Dr. Mehmet Akif OKUR

Yıldız Technical University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences

Prof. Dr. Abdulmecid NUREDİN

Vice Rector of International Vision University

Prof. Dr. Hasan OKTAY

Vice Rector of International Vision University

Assoc. Prof. Ganizhamal KUSHENOVA

L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zhanna SHAYAKHMETOVA

Faculty of Law, KH. Dosmukhamedov Atyrau University

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Soledad Dyusebaliyeva DYUSEBALIYEVA

Faculty of Law, KH. Dosmukhamedov Atyrau University

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Elmira Mizamgalievna ADIETOVA

Faculty of Law, KH. Dosmukhamedov Atyrau University

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Indira Saktaganova SVETOVNA

Head of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law, L. N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dinara Baktiyarkizi OSMANOVA

Department of Theory and History of State and Law, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University

Assist. Prof. Dr. Ömer GEDİK

Faculty of Law, Department of Constitutional Law, Atatürk University

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehrinigor Akhmedova BAHODİROVNA

Faculty of Foreign Languages, Bukhara State University


Faculty of Law, International Sarajevo University


the Executive Director at the Development Strategy Centre in Uzbekistan

Symposıum Advısory and Organızıng Commıttee

Prof. Dr. Aydın GÜLAN

Head of the Department of Administrative Law, Faculty of Law, Istanbul University, Head of the Administrative Law Research and Implementation Center named after Ord. Prof. Dr. Sıddık Sami Onar, Faculty of Law, Istanbul University

Prof. Dr. Yücel OĞURLU

Head of the Department of Administrative Law, Faculty of Law, Istanbul Commerce University, Rector of Istanbul Commerce University

Prof. Dr. Edmond Hajrizi

Rector of Kosova UBT Higher Education Institution (UBT)

Prof. Dr. Melikşah YASİN

Faculty of Law, Department of Administrative Law, Istanbul University

FM Dr. Nurhan YAPRAK

Department of Administrative Law, Faculty of Law, Istanbul Commerce University

FM Dr. Zebiniso KAMALOVA

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Educational Sciences, Istanbul Commerce University


Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Political Science and International Relations, Istanbul Commerce University

Research Assistant Muratcan GÖKDEMİR

Faculty of Law, Department of International Law, Istanbul Commerce University

Research Assistant Zeynep ÇELİK GÜLSEVEN

Faculty of Law, Department of Administrative Law, Istanbul Commerce University

Research Assistant Beyza Çağla ŞAHİN

Faculty of Law, Department of Private International Law, Istanbul Commerce University

Research Assistant Metehan HEPVAR

Faculty of Law, Department of Criminology and Criminal Procedure Law, Istanbul Commerce University

Research Assistant Aslınur AK

Faculty of Law, Department of Civil Litigation and Bankruptcy Enforcement Proceedings, Istanbul Commerce University

Senior Assist. Mirza LJUBOVIĆ

Faculty of Law, International University of Sarajevo

Senior. Assist. Hana ŠARKINOVIĆ-KÖSE

Faculty of Law, International University of Sarajevo

Researcher Nazgul KENZHETAY


Researcher Mahammad FARAJOV


Summary from ISALAJ 2021

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